Miguna disowns Facebook account

By Standard Digital Reporter

Former advisor to Prime Minister Raila Odinga Miguna Miguna has disowned a Facebook account bearing his names, images, book promos and video clips and asked the public to ‘ignore and treat it as mischievous.’

 In the alleged posts on his ‘Facebook page’ Miguna had answered issues raised by veteran journalist Sarah Elderkin about his relations with Raila while he served as advisor on coalition affairs.

Miguna clarified: “Let me also make it clear that I do not have a Facebook account, have never used that platform to communicate and have no intentions of doing so any time soon. Consequently, purported Facebook publications bearing my name should be ignored as mischievous.”

Miguna said he and his family arrived safely in Toronto Canada and recanted media reports that he fled into exile or was running away from justice.

Said Miguna: “I am particularly disturbed by fake and false media reports that I had fled into exile. Some desperate political goons for hire have even claimed that I have ‘fled from justice.’ There have been suggestions that I have fled because of law suits and potential arrest. By the time I left Kenya, I had not been served with any legal notices or law suits. In any event, neither could have prevented me from traveling.”

The author of Peeling Back the Mask said “I boarded my flight at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on July 16, 2012, like any other passenger.”

In response to the Director of Public Prosecutions Keriako Tobiko, Miguna said “I have earned a living practicing law for more than 15 years. Therefore, a lawsuit isn’t something I run away from. Nor would I be scared of an incompetent, misguided and delusional political announcement to the media by the director of public prosecutions that I should record a statement with the Kenya Police.”

He argued the DPP has no mandate over the International Criminal Court.

“Instead of issuing threats to me - someone he considers a potential witness – the Witness Protection Act compels him to provide me with protection. Threatening me over the media is a clear breach. Consequently, I will treat his politically motivated statement with the contempt it deserves.”

Miguna was not happy with the burning of his effigy in Nyando and remarked; “When I see ravenous mobs burn my effigy, bury a coffin symbolizing my death and threatening me, my immediate and extended family merely because I wrote a book that they perceive to be critical of their political deity even though, in all likelihood, they might not have read; it demonstrates a level of intolerance, ignorance and base loyalty to certain political personages in a manner that cannot be positive.”

He accused the PM of failing to deter his fanatical supporters from acts of intolerance.

Said he: “Chillingly, as my effigy and ‘coffin’ were being burnt and buried in a mock funeral in Nyando by Raila’s fanatics, the Prime Minister failed to see the need to restrain his supporters. He didn’t openly call for peaceful and reasoned debates as we would expect of someone claiming to be a statesman.”

He added: “As a mob was holding my funeral procession, calling for my ‘deportation to Canada’, threatening my brother and his family, Raila’s intellectual groupies were unleashing a coordinated assault on my character and reputation through the media.”

Miguna reiterated that “Raila must be audited, vetted and weighed thoroughly for his record in public life before he can be found to have satisfied the requirements for election.”

 On Sarah Eklderkin; “I don’t have the time, interest or the intention of arguing with Sarah over a book she has clearly not read. She answers herself at pages 496-498 of my book as well as in her article, “Keep It Real and Keep It Balanced” published in the May 19, 2011 issue of the Star newspaper in which she corroborated each and every claim I have made in Peeling Back the Mask. Readers should be aware, nonetheless, that I have more than fifty emails from Sarah confirming the runway corruption in the Prime Minister’s Office. If I was like Sarah, I would have unleashed them in defense of myself. But I am not going to bore my readers with details of the rot of and around.”

Editor’s note: Following the statement disowning Miguna Miguna’s Facebook account, we wish to apologise to our readers and Mr Miguna Miguna for erroneously misrepresenting his views. The Standard Digital also takes this early opportunity to apologise to Ms Sarah Elderkin for any embarrassment caused by the article. There was no malicious intention in publishing the article.