Church elder caught ‘hand in tithe’

By David Odongo

Members of Makongeni Friends Church were left speechless when they discovered a tithe thief amongst the senior church members.

As the scriptures say, ten per cent of all income should be given back to God. But the senior church elder had apparently decided to pocket a percentage of the tithe that was contributed due to his unwavering service to the Lord!

On the day he was caught, the church elder had stashed Sh150,000 in his leather case with the bible and only left Sh300,000 as tithe. Unlike God who demands ten per cent, the church elder had taken a cool one third of the proceeds!

Trouble started when the pastors noticed a steady decline in tithe, used for church operations as well as supporting several charitable causes including a children’s home.


The drop in tithe was hampering administrative work in the church and senior pastors called a meeting to find out what could be the cause.

Records from the church office registered an increase in the number of people who joined the church and were given cards with which to pay tithe. Under normal circumstances, the worshipers picked tithe cards and envelopes from the church office. They then put their tithe in the envelope, which they give to the church accountant.

The accountant then issues receipts, which worshipers collect personally from him. Indeed for the past few months, most worshipers who contribute more than five thousand in tithe had received their receipts.

The church elders deliberated for a while before getting an ‘outsider’ to monitor the tithe collection process. The outsider, after month brought in a report, asking the church elders to investigate Mathew Musyomi, a respected church elder who heads the finance committee.


The elders rubbished the reports, terming Musyomi as an elder whose character is beyond reproach. After one more month of declining tithe contributions, the elders quickly went to the church offices after mass where Musyomi was opening envelopes containing tithe. He was almost through and they watched him write the remaining few receipts.

One elder gathered courage and asked Musyomi to open his leather chase, which carried his Bible. Musyomi reacted angrily, pressing his leather case deeper between his legs. One of the elders, however, overpowered him and on opening the case, a total of Sh150,000 fell out. 

In the spirit of preaching water and drinking the same, the church elders forgave Musyomi. But the gentleman hasn’t been seen in church since for obvious Sunday.