Villagers refuse to move despite danger of rolling rocks

By Michael Chepkwony

About 400 families in Tinderet District are living in fear as boulders on a cliff showed signs of sliding downhill.

Residents of Kabuson village said the rocks might crush homesteads any time. Evictees from Kipkurere Forest who are currently camping at Ng’atipkong area are also in danger of being crushed by the rocks.

Some have been forced to move to a more secure site after the rock showed huge cracks at the base. According to Kobuson elder Geoffrey Tanui, the rock started to develop a wide hole a week ago. 

“Some boys who were herding cattle informed us the rock was moving. We first took it as a joke but I went with other elders to the hill and confirmed it,” he said. The villagers live five kilometres downhill and effects of destruction would be devastating.

They want the Government to get rid of the rock before it tumbles down on their homes.


“We are helpless. The Government should bring machinery to break down the rock,” Tanui said. However, a section of forest evictees have opted to remain at the dangerous spot and claim they have nowhere to relocate.

“We cannot move. We are ready to die because the Government has failed to honour the promise for land,” Benjamin Kiprop, their spokesman, told The Standard. “Every day we look towards the hill expecting the worst to happen. We only rely on prayers,” Tanui said.

Some have also abandoned work in the farms.