Raila sets up campaign strategy for Diaspora votes

Prime Minister Raila Odinga has put in place a campaign network and fundraising structure in the US that is likely to prove crucial in the hunt for Diaspora votes.

Kenyans in the Diaspora mostly concentrated in the US, Canada, UK and South Africa are expected to vote for the first time in the country’s history, thanks to the new Constitution.

The campaign structure to be implemented under the aegis of ODM-USA and Fora (Friends of Raila) is already causing jitters among US-based supporters of Raila and other presidential aspirants.

Raila, his top advisors and media relations and communications experts reportedly approved the network during his recent US tour.

At the top of ‘Raila for President’ USA campaign is ODM-USA Advisory Council composed of Raila’s long-time supporters and fundraisers.

These include Mercy Kamau of Boston, Massachusetts, Sam Osamba of Dallas, Texas, Sam Dawson, John Akumu of Washington DC, George Osewe of Raleigh, North Carolina, John Maina of the PM’s office, Delphnie Ogega, and Siyad Abdullahi. Others are Samwel Oyugi, Robert Nyangudi, Mark Tindi, and George Omburo of Jersey City, New Jersey.

The group is charged with contributing towards election strategies/logistics, mobilising resources, both human and material, recruitment of members, carrying out civic education and organising local activities.

The Raila US campaign has divided the country into what they are calling US Regions for 2012 General Election campaign.

Field officers

Region 1 comprises Northeast (New England & Middle Atlantic). This is the populous region along the East Coast of US commonly known as New England and has a large population of Kenyans. It encompasses states like Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. Others are Middle Atlantic States like New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.

Region 2 has Midwest (East North Central & West North Central). East North Central brings together Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin while West North Central covers Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota.

Region 3 covers South (South Atlantic, East South Central, & West South Central)

South Atlantic is made up of Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North and South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia.

In the East South Central are Mississippi and Tennessee. West South Central brings on board Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas.

Region 4 is composed of states classified as West (Mountain & Pacific). These are states like Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Montana, Utah, Nevada and Wyoming. Others are Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington.

Releasing the strategy at the weekend moments before he boarded a plane to Nairobi, Osamba of Dallas, Texas, said this has been in the making for some time and they were now confident it would deliver the PM and ODM huge victory in the US.

“We believe the Diaspora vote is going to prove crucial especially in a situation where there is a run-off. These are people who have tasted the fruits of democratic leadership and functional institutions. They know who has been on the side of reforming our institutions under the new Constitution and so all we are doing is provide structures within which they can participate in the making of a new Kenya,” he said.

Osamba, who is one of Raila’s trusted pointmen in the Diaspora, disclosed that the network has contacts and field officers in all the states.


“Unlike our rivals who concentrate their activities and campaigns in states and regions they perceive to have more people from their tribes, the PM is a national leader and ODM is a national movement. So we will try to reach out to every Kenyan even those in Alaska because we believe their vote and support counts,” he said.

The significance of Raila’s strategy and campaign structure is already being felt in the US. During a memorial weekend held recently in Dallas, Texas, ODM under US interim chairman Sam Ngetich conducted a successful recruitment drive.

“During the memorial activities held at the park, ODM had a signing in session in which more than 300 Kenyans signed up as members and party supporters. We were also able to display our banners and distribute ODM memorabilia and apparels,” said Osamba.

Omburo of Jersey City, New Jersey, told The Standard On Sunday that they were planning to use the network to organise a series of recruitment drives around the US with a major launch planned to take place along the East Coast in the New York/New jersey area. The function to be attended by Raila is being organised by Fora-USA and ODM-USA.

“We supporters of the ODM movement have organised regional cells to raise awareness on steps towards voting. We are calling on all Kenyans to be ready for registration as voters when the exercise opens as the first step towards voting. The North East corridor region, covering North Carolina to Boston, has invited Raila to launch the movement sometime this summer,” he said.

Conflicting reports from Nairobi concerning the Diaspora vote have not gone down well with most Kenyans. The decision by the IEBC to put polling stations only at embassies, high commissions and consulates is likely to affect Diaspora participation in the historical event. Analysts say if this position is upheld, a very small fraction of the Diaspora will take part because of the expenses and time spent in travelling long distances to vote.

The ODM campaign strategy is expected to encourage more Kenyans to participate in elections.