Good design depends on colour and lighting


1. What is involved in interior design?

Interior design — and design generally — involves the use of colours and colour schemes to create impressions. This, of course, depends on individual tastes. Some prefer traditional tastes, while others like the modern, so it is all a matter of taste.

2.  What trend is the design industry taking?

Most people want to go for modern designs with American seats. The traditional style is not a darling of many people any more. Traditional look is closely associated with the English design borrowed during colonial times. Other people are also going the African way.

3.  So design is all about colours?

The use of colours creates mood and ambience. There are colours that can only be used in a specific place. For example, if you were designing a kitchen, you would not use purple but colours that go with food like orange, yellow, green and blue.

4. In your opinion what is coming into the market?

I have realised that South African designs are really finding their way here really fast. Judging by the TV programmes from the south, one realises that many people are currently using cool colours a lot with drop of warm colours like orange against a background of purple on the seats.

5.  What constitutes a good interior design?

As I said earlier, colour is the most important aspect of any design. It is colour that tells the story. Fabrics also matter like curtains, and cushions.

For instance, it would not be wise to use heavy material for a curtain over a small window because of the need to allow in enough light.

6.  What factors would you consider when designing the interior?

One of the most important factors is the size of the room as it is determinant on size of furniture it can hold.

Windows are also instrumental when designing because colours ride on light so the size and position of windows in a house determines the amount of light into the room. The location of the room does not really matter. There are houses in Eastlands with better interior design than those in upmarket estates such as Runda.

7.  Does the size of the room dictate colour schemes?

It is important to understand that dark and bright colours have different effects on a room. A small room does not require dark colours because this can only make it appear smaller. Warm colours on the other hand are preferable for small rooms.

8.  Is there a standard formula for interior design?

Just like there are many genres of music and people love different genres, designs also differ. What matters most is the creativity of the designer and the taste of the client.

9.  What are the cost implications of interior design?

Costs differ from house to house, also from person to person. The price of material used will hugely determine the final cost. Some might choose expensive material in high-end shops while others will just go to Toi Market or Gikomba to get their material. Overall what counts is the creativity.

10.  Where do people get new ideas about design?

Reading design magazines and surfing the Internet affords one an opportunity to track current trends.

Currently, purple is the in thing. Turquoise and blue-brown are also preferred. 

Expos are also instrumental in getting people to know what is hot.

It is all about passion. Designing is something that should come from within. If there is anybody who wants to join the world of interior design, then he or she needs to know that perfection is of importance.

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