Teachers to skip classes if salary team not named

By Ernest Ndunda

A teachers union has threatened to disrupt schools re-opening next term if a team to review salaries is not in place.

Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) will mobilise its 45,816 members to boycott classes until President Kibaki assents to the names of the 13 nominees for the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC).

"Parliament had received the names of the nominees and it is upon the President to assent to the names forwarded to him. We are not going to allow teachers to be taken for granted any more," warned the union’s National Chairman, Mr Omboko Milemba.

"Vision 2030 cannot be achieved unless teachers are well remunerated and this can only be achieved through the Salaries and Remuneration Commission," added Milemba.

The union boss was speaking at Sunrise Hotel in Mombasa during Kuppet’s executive committee meeting ahead of their annual delegates conference to be held on Tuesday at Sheikh Zayed Children’s Welfare Hall. Delegates from the 47 counties are expected to attend.

Milemba said the SRC would be mandated to set and review the remuneration of all State officers.

"We are demanding for the harmonisation of teachers house and commuter allowances to conform with other civil servants. We are demanding for quick formation of the commission to fast track and address teachers’ issues. We are not interested in sideshows," said Milemba.

Teacher shortage

He also noted that the country was experiencing a shortage of 75,000 teachers in secondary and primary schools and said the union would demand for employment of more teachers to improve the quality of education.

"A well remunerated worker is more productive and we demand teachers to be remunerated well like any other civil servant," he said.

The official also attributed the recent industrial action by teachers, university dons and doctors on the lack of the SRC, which would have addressed pay disputes before workers went on strike.

Milemba also urged the Government to de-link Teachers Service Commission from the Ministry of Education.