Rustler shot dead, guns recovered

By James Munyeki

Security officers shot dead a suspected cattle rustler and recovered two guns at Mugei Ranch in Laikipia.

The deceased, who was in the company of three other suspects, was killed following a fight between the rustlers and security officers on Wednesday.

One suspect is in police custody while two others escaped.

They recovered one M16 with 19 rounds of ammunitions and a G3 rifle, which had one.

Laikipia West DC Otieno Odidi confirmed the incident and said that the four were planning to raid the ranch when they were spotted by the public and Kenya Wildlife Service rangers and Administration Police officers, who were transferring elephants from Mugei to Ol Jogi ranch.

"The four started shooting at the officers unaware that the officers were many. That was when one of them was shot. He died on the spot," he noted.

Crucial leads

The others disappeared into a nearby valley while one who was holding an M16 rifle was arrested.

"The rest managed to escape but we are following crucial leads. They will not escape since we have information about where they went," he told The Standard.

At the same time, the administrator said that police have managed to recover over 100 head of cattle stolen from Ol Maiso ranch.

Two suspects escaped during the operation but police were tracking them. Odidi blamed recent cases of cattle rustling on residents of Baringo East and Samburu.

"We do not have internal conflicts but outsiders who have invaded our territory seem to have problems. We will not condone this and will deal with the criminals accordingly," he warned.