World's first billion dollar house

Soaring high above Mumbai, India, a billion-dollar home, an oasis of ultimate luxury is being built for the world's fourth-richest man, writes Matt Woolsey

With a net worth of 62 billion dollars, Indian business tycoon Mukesh Ambani is ranked behind Mexican Carlos Slim Helu and America’s Bill Gates and Warren Buffett as the world’s richest man.

But according to a forecast by the prestigious Forbes magazine, head of India-based petrochemical giant Reliance Industries is set to be richest man on earth come 2014.

The 53-year old is married to Nita Ambani, who looks after the social and charitable arm of Reliance Industries. They have three children: Akash, Isha and Anant.

While visiting New York in 2005, Nita was in the spa at the Mandarin Oriental New York, overlooking Central Park. The contemporary Asian interiors struck her just so and prompted her to inquire about the designer.

Like many families with the means to do so, the Ambanis wanted to build a custom home. They consulted with architecture firms Perkins Will and Hirsch Bedner Associates, the designers behind the Mandarin Oriental, based in Dallas and Los Angeles, respectively.

Plans were then drawn up for what will soon be the world’s largest and most expensive home: a 27-storey skyscraper in downtown Mumbai with a cost nearing $2 billion.

Anyone wishing to cast their eyes upon Mukesh Ambani’s new house will very quickly find themselves with a stiff neck.

The ballroom with crystal chandeliers covering the ceiling.

The idea is spaces will blend into one another, giving the impression of consistency and flow, while at the same time displaying different influences and traditions. This furniture, floors, lines and dark woods of this lounge have a more minimalistic approach than the home’s other lounges.

Entertainment level

The eighth floor will have an entertainment centre comprising a mini-theatre. It’s very common in large homes to have a theatre or screening room, but usually they’re just large projection screens with a few nice seats.

The Ambani’s theatre is more like those seen in George Lucas’ Skywalker Ranch or Frank Pritt’s Portabello Estate — a full-fledged theatre, indistinguishable from a cinema.

A wine room, snack bar and entertaining space, including couches and tables, fill out the room.

Health level

While the ninth floor will have a ‘refuge’ floor — meant to be used for rescue in emergencies — two floors above that will be set aside for health.


It will have facilities for athletics and a swimming pool, while the other will have a health club. The indoor/outdoor health level features a lap pool and Jacuzzi that take in views of the city skyline, as well as lounge chairs shaded by trees. Yoga and dance studios, changing rooms for men and women, gyms and a solarium with a juice bar fill out the interior space. There are plans to include an ice room in the centre space, where the Ambanis can sit on a hot Mumbai day to cool off in a man-made snow flurry.



The first six floors of the residence will be dedicated to parking for the Ambani family, guests and employees. Space for a total of 168 imported cars has been earmarked here.

The rooftop of the mini-theatre will serve as a garden, and immediately above that, three more balconies with terrace gardens.

The four floors at the top, that will provide a view of the Arabian Sea and a superb view of the city’s skyline, will be for Mukesh Ambani, his wife Nita, their three kids and Mukesh’s mother Kokilaben. Not forgetting his Indian roots, the world’s fifth richest man has reportedly set aside one of those four floors for his mother, Kokilaben.


The top floor also features a covered, outdoor entertaining space with panoramic views of the Mumbai skyline as well as the Arabian Sea. On those days when it’s too hot, or cold,an interior space with floor-to-ceiling windows provides the same luxury.

Two floors above the family’s residence will be set aside as maintenance areas, and on top of that will be an ‘air space floor,’ which will act as a control room for helicopters landing on the helipad above. There will be three helipads there.