Feedback - Should Dr Smokin Wanjala reapply for his job at KACC?

Dr Smokin Wanjala wanted to improve his image. This is a campaign to get public sympathy. KACC has not achieved its mandate.

{Mohammed Mukanda, Kenya}

This would mean returning to Egypt. He should wait because we’ll soon disband that commission.

{Emmanuel Magube, Kenya}

Dr Wanjala is a real gentleman. The advisory board should give him a shot at becoming director because he has proved he is out to serve wananchi.

{Meshack Jobita, Kenya}

He should reapply because the mistake was not of his making.

{Jentrix Lutta, Kenya}

He should not reapply because he is a hero and heroes don’t stoop that low. Since he has the qualifications, he should look for a different job.

{Audrey Matere, Kenya}

He should not reapply because it means he was dissatisfied with KACC all along.

{Nelson Oreje, Kenya}

Wanjala is a coward. He was appointed by the President so he should have let Kibaki sack him. Why reapply after resigning voluntarily?

{Waweru Kariuki, Virgin Islands}

He should not reapply for his former job because we want him to reveal the goings-on at KACC. He cannot do this while working there since he will have taken an oath of secrecy. We want to know who are manipulating KACC.

{Jakoya Martin, Kenya}

No, he seemed to have already made up his mind (when he resigned) to let others serve in the commission. Otherwise, he should have waited for the courts to rule whether his re-appointment was illegal.

{Paul Musili, Australia}

He should apply for the director’s post alongside John Githongo.

{Charles Achola, US}

He should not reapply. He was given a mandate to produce results but I have never heard anything good from him.

{Stephen Kipkoech, Kenya}

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smokin wanjala