Permanent sneer

Unlike before where men acquired derogatory titles but emerged in the end smelling like roses, the latest attempt by women at undermining men folk has, sadly, ushered in mind numbing challenges to humanity.

Women will, in a couple of years to come, permanently sneer at the male folk. If the madness in the offing is anything to go by, then heterosexuality and procreation as we naturally understand it will soon be declared kaput.

Women will undoubtedly spit in the face of their male counter parts and rush to the best stud shops to buy ‘seeds’ that will, through a natural or artificial womb, give them their dream children.

This discovery has plunged the world into near hysteria. However, before women start popping the champagne to celebrate this discovery, how shall men, who are the natural protectors of their progeny, be responsible for the protection of babies they never participated in siring?

Is this the beginning of the disintegration of the family as a sanctified social institution?

{Tome Francis, Bumula}

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