Kenya’s airstrips to get Sh200 million upgrade

By Kepher Otieno and Kenan Miruka

The long awaited rehabilitation of the country’s airstrips is set to begin.

Kenya Airports Authority Managing Director George Muhoho said the parastatal would use Sh200 million to improve the status of 150 airstrips to boost tourism and communication.

The Government set aside money for the annual exercise aimed at ensuring the strips are safe and free from encroachment by the public.

Among the airstrips in dire need of rehabilitation is Suneka in Kisii.

The first aircraft to land at the airstrip was owned by white settlers in 1957, when there was no runway.

Currently, light aircraft use the facility. The runway was built in the early 80’s and was refurbished just before President Kibaki’s visited the area in March this year. The tattered windsock was also replaced prior to the visit.

The fence around the airstrip, erected in 2004 during the Narc administration, was brought down during the 2007 election campaigns.

Yesterday, Muhoho said they intend to do a minimum of 15 airstrips a year, in a move aimed at increasing the usage of domestic tourism flights.

Good maintenance

KAA will soon advertise for the tenders to repair, fence and clear bushes around the airstrips to ensure they are well maintained.

Some airstrips will also be expanded, alongside the rehabilitation programmes, he added.

Already, Wajir Airstrip in North Eastern is being upgraded to airport status, while Rusinga and Mfangano airstrips will be fenced and expanded to accommodate more light aircraft. Yesterday, Immigration Minister Otieno Kajwang lauded the move saying it would enhance domestic tourism.

"It is a good move, and we fully support the Government’s plans, which will also revive activities at the villages and boost trade," said Kajwang.

Many tourists visiting the historic island frequently, use Mfangano and Rusinga Island airstrips. KAA says Kabunde Airstrip in Homabay, Rusinga in Mbita, Macalder and Lichota in Migori, Turkana, and Otaro will also be rehabitated. KAA will also build small terminals and other facities and deploy permanent security personnel to guard them.

Previously, some of the airstrips lacked the requisite facilities.