Uhuru must come clean over Sh9.2b

"Are Kenyans satisfied that the documents of account prepared by Finance ministry officials are true and meet accounting standards?"

These were the words of Mars Group CEO Mwalimu Mati to Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta concerning the alleged Sh9.2 fraud in his ministry.

Uhuru should come clean and provide taxpayers with a thorough audit of the Supplementary Budget. It was unethical for him to accuse Mr Gitobu Imanyara of being misled by ‘advisers of questionable professional credibility’.

Kenyans want accountability from all ministries, and Uhuru’s is not an exceptional. Should he fail to do so, he will get a taste of what Amos Kimunya and David Mwiraria got.

{Elvince Joshua, Ongata Rongai}


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