
Ministry guidelines on safety in institutions

By Lillian Aluanga

The Safety Standards Manual covers 13 areas and requires all schools to constitute a sub-committee to ensure school safety.

Some of its key its functions include identifying the safety needs of the school, mobilising resources required to create a safe environment and keeping learners, parents and other stakeholders informed about school safety policies.

On disaster risk reduction, the manual stipulates that all schools post evacuation maps at every entrance and exit to buildings, classrooms, enclosed hallways, stairways and offices.

Provision is also made for practice drill sessions for fire and earthquakes, with a recommendation that fire drills be held at least once a month. Maintenance of an emergency kit, which contains items like whistles, fire blankets, fire extinguishers and torches, is also required. On fire prevention, the manual proposes that the use of hurricane lamps in dormitories be regulated and that the local fire department be invited to give prevention talks and demonstrations to learners.

The manual suggests that concerned parties must use it bearing in mind local circumstances.

School managements and other stakeholders are charged with the responsibility of examining the local circumstances and decide what needs to be done to ensure the safety of children in and outside the learning institution.

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