
Rwanda, Burundi roads to join East African network

By Peter Orengo

Road links from Rwanda and Burundi will be included in the East African Road Network Project.

The move follows a decision by the East African Community Ministers responsible for transport, communication and meteorology to approve the reviewed.

Transport Minister Chirau Mwakwere said regional infrastructure was key to faster economic growth.

"The sooner we tackle these issues, the better the region will be in terms of development," said Mr Mwakwere.

The minister said implementation of the projects was on course.

He approved the formation of a task force on harmonisation of axle-load regulations in the region and its terms of reference.

EAC heads of states recently resolved to modernise infrastructure development, including that related to reconstruction of railways, elimination of non-tariff barriers, roads, civil aviation, maritime and inland water ways at the national and regional levels.

Civil aviation

Construction work on the Arusha-Namanga-Athi River road has started on both sides of the border.

In civil aviation, airport authorities are implementing the harmonised civil aviation safety and security regulations in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Harmonisation of the same is also ongoing in Rwanda and Burundi.

On railway, the Ministers directed the Secretariat to finalise a Master Plan by mid this month and prepare its implementation framework for presentation to the First Extra-ordinary Transport, Communications and Meteorology Sectoral Council dedicated to railways projects.