Report: Kenyan women gold diggers

By Isaac Ongiri

Kenyan women are gold diggers, a new opinion poll released by Steadman Group says, indicating that poor men may soon find it difficult to get women to marry.

The poll conducted in October shows that 81 per cent of 2,010 Kenyan women interviewed can only marry rich men, while 50 per cent won’t marry from other tribes.

But 75 per cent of men interviewed said they would have no time for ugly women while 57 per cent said they would not marry ill-behaved men.

Intelligence became an issue, 54 per cent of men interviewed saying they can only marry intelligent women.

Up to 70 per cent women said they would only marry men who showed extreme love, while many men said they would marry any woman as long as she was beautiful, well-behaved and intelligent.

The poll also revealed that many men would consider young women while 60 per cent of women said they would marry old men, provided they were rich and loving.

In the poll, 77 per cent of women did not care whether a man was handsome.

Steadman Research analyst, Tom Wolf says: "We are getting into these kinds of research for the first time and will continue in that line".

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