Refugees fleeing from Ukraine arrive at Nyugati station, following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, in Budapest, Hungary, February 28, 2022. [Reuters]

The Ukraine Embassy in Nairobi has refuted claims that Africans are being discriminated against amid the current war by Russia in Ukraine.

Through their Ambassador Andrii Pravednyk, Ukraine said there is no discrimination based on race, skin colour or nationality including when it comes to crossing the state border by foreign citizens.

The reaction comes after social media outrage on claims that Africans were being denied clearance at the border points as they run away from the current crisis.

The African Union last week raised concerns saying that all people have the right to cross international borders during the conflict and should enjoy the same rights to cross to safety from the conflict in Ukraine, notwithstanding their nationality or racial identity.

Thousands of African and other foreign nationals, particularly students, have been scrambling to leave Ukraine following Russia's invasion. 

But as hundreds of thousands throng Ukraine's borders, overwhelming authorities in neighbouring countries, reports emerged that Africans are being treated differently and sometimes prevented from leaving.

Several shared videos and testimonies on social media, denouncing discrimination at train stations and border posts. Reuters has not been able to authenticate the videos.

"Reports that Africans are singled out for unacceptable dissimilar treatment would be shockingly racist and in breach of international law," AU Chair, Senegal's President Macky Sall, and Moussa Faki Mahamat head of AU Commission said in a joint statement.

But the Embassy said they have employed the first come first serve approach which applies to all nationalities in accordance with international humanitarian law where priority is given to women and children.

“All men, both Ukrainian nationals and foreign citizens pass checks and check-in operations after women, children and elderly people. All people at the border are asked to comply with law and order and to act responsibly in light of the challenging situation,” said the Ambassador.

Pravednyk said this is aimed at allowing the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine to speed up the border crossing process.

He said those who are crossing are asked to have documents ready and to be as organised as possible.

“In addition, we ask that those crossing must show mutual respect and understanding to everyone at the border during this extremely difficult time. Border guard personnel are working around the clock on both sides, in difficult conditions, to make the crossing as fast and straightforward as possible,” he said.

The envoy said his government reiterates that the ongoing severe humanitarian situation in Ukraine, including the situation at the western border of Ukraine, was caused by the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

“Russia bears full responsibility for the killing and injuring of innocent people, destruction of civilian infrastructure, and creating obstacles for the safe departure of foreign citizens. Ukraine calls on all foreign governments to demand from President Putin that he immediately stops his war in Ukraine,” he added.

The ambassador said this will allow Ukraine to stabilise the situation and focus more on the safety and security of the population, including foreign students.