By Milly G

A friend of mine recently circulated an email which some of you have probably seen, titled The Three Stages of a Man’s Life. It shows a male lion in three distinct settings. The stages are single, married and divorced. The progression is hilarious.

The single lion, having subdued a lioness after mating, is roaring ever so bravely and defiantly, while the female looks on in awe. At the ‘married’ stage, however, the lion is cowed into a corner by a fierce lioness who seems to be spitting fire at him, her mouth agape and her mane shaking in his face. At the divorced stage, the man is nothing but a sprawled skin left out to dry. How telling!

People have always erroneously thought the man to be the hunter. Men feel that they are the predators while women are the prey. But that is only half the truth. Men may think that they are fully responsible for spotting the kill, strategizing, circling it and finally pouncing on and conquering it.

But the fact is that the prey carefully chooses its predator as well. Men take the credit for the obvious hunting process; they take us out for dates, drop the pick-up lines, usually initiate the physical intimacy, and break into a thin sweat when trying to say, for the first time, that they really like us and are smitten.

However, we women already know, before they say a word. That is because we set them up, then let them think that they are the ones in control. So if the prey does not want to be caught, if the woman has decided that your claws are weak and she wouldn’t want to be dragged into your den, forget it, man. You shall never bag her.

So women hunt. And we also go for the juiciest, yet most stubborn.

Notoriously wild

There is always pleasure in getting what we want, especially if what we want is also wanted by others. You’ve heard women say of notoriously wild men "I’ll be the one to change him. He just has never found his match". Usually, this does not happen. He may wear sheep skin for a few years, but soon, the claws start sprouting again and the pretence wears off, and you are left alone, the huntress without her spoils.

Men are known for conquering women, taking the prize home, and then going out for the next challenge. But that is not what women foresee. Women want to tame wild men, and they will give an arm and a leg to sedate the man when he starts to regain consciousness and kick about. Women tame their men in many ways.

She could cook good food for him, keep the house neat and stylish, dress to kill again, pack his bags for a safari, run a warm bath for him at the end of a hard day, keep the marriage bed sizzling, nurture the children, even work to boost the family income.

Every woman wants to hear her man say " You’re the best!" She wants to know that he finds nothing more interesting out there, that he is not looking in the first place. She wants to know that she is everything to her man; his friend, soul mate, lover, partner, fantasy and heroine. She wants the man to be proud to show her to his friends and to talk about her when she is not around. There’s nothing like having your man’s friend ask you what you give to him, since he is obsessed about you. As a woman, you will just naturally glow.

You feel that you have tamed the man, and you feel like you have Lipuad a milioni shillings!

If only men were the willing prey that we want them to be! They would see how much better it is for them to allow us to work out feminine wiles on them. They will be much the happier for it.

But we all know that it is hard to knock a man unconscious. As a friend of mine once told me, as a man, you never stop appreciating. But appreciating turns into admiring, which truns into pursuing. Before long, the man you thought you had has dragged home something that you want to cut into pieces and throw to the dogs!