Busia, Kenya: A middle-aged civil servant fromTeso North district is alleged to have been stabbed to death by his wife after a domestic row.

It is said that the deceased, Richard Otogo, 36, was embroiled in a domestic scuffle with his wife only identified as Sharon, which later turned fatal.

The wife is said to have stabbed the deceased in the neck severally on his way back from the bathroom and later called on the neighbours to assist her take him to hospital.

According to eyewitnesses, the mother of two is said to have picked a quarrel with her husband before stabbing him at around 8pm.

One of the neighbours who sought anonymity told The Standard: “The lady after realsing what she had done rushed out seeking for help and shouting that she had killed her husband and asked us to help her take him to hospital,” he said.

Busia County Commissioner Josephine Onunga condemned the act terming it unfortunate and a blow to the civil service community in the sub county.

“It is very unfortunate that we have lost our civil servant under very unclear circumstances. It is a big blow not only to his family but to the entire civil service community,” said Ms Onunga.

She said the suspect was apprehended at Kocholya District hospital where she had taken the profusely bleeding husband and is in police custody awaiting investigations.

She is being held at Malaba Police station and will be arraigned in court to answer to murder charges.

The commissioner called on families to live peacefully and learn to resolve family disputes amicably.

The body of the deceased is lying at Kocholia District Hospital Mortuary.