Keep your skin moisturised to improve your skin's elasticity (Photo: Shutterstock)

It’s always so exciting to know that you will soon be a mom to a beautiful baby or beautiful babies, if you’re expecting multiples. For a while you’ll be on cloud nine until the reality of the changes your body goes through set in. The weight gain starts, morning sickness becomes a regular thing and the pregnancy stretch marks begin to form.

Getting the stretch marks can be a shock especially if you’ve always had smooth flawless skin. A huge percentage of pregnant women get them and it’s all due to the stretching of the layer of the skin when you gain pregnancy weight.

Part of it also happens due to genetics. If it runs in the family, you’re likely to get them. In this case, there’s not much you can do in terms of prevention because they are bound to appear.

You can however do your best to reduce their appearance during and after your pregnancy through simple homemade treatments. 

Weight gain is to be expected. You need to increase the nutrient supply that will be enough for both you and the baby. Now is not the time to splurge on buckets of chicken wings, pizza and chips because you’ll face serious consequences which include health risks.

You’ll also get more stretch marks with a poor diet. Avoid this by eating healthy most of the time and drink plenty of water to nourish your body internally.

Make sure that you get plenty of nutrients like vitamin C, which boosts collagen production and vitamin A and D which help in scar healing. And as you get enough vitamin D in your diet, take time to soak in the sun.

  • Exfoliate consistently

Create some moisturizing exfoliating scrubs that will clear out the dead skin cells and promote new cell regeneration. Simple ingredients like brown sugar, honey, lemon and coconut oil can hydrate your skin to rapidly improve the appearance of the scars.

There are so many scrub combinations you can make. Make sure you’re consistent and that you’re scrubbing gently to prevent tearing.

Healthy eating helps to keep your body nourished from the inside (Photo: Shutterstock)
  • Always moisturize

You can also make some homemade moisturizers that you massage into your skin regularly. Moisturizing is a very important part of healing because it improves the elasticity of your skin.

Do regular coconut oil, olive oil or even aloe Vera gel massages. You can even switch from chemical infused, store bought lotions to homemade customized moisturizers and lotions.

Add some key ingredients like vitamin E and cocoa butter to your moisturizers for amazing results.

  • Try some homemade masks

Just like scrubs, there are many combinations of homemade masks that accelerate healing. The classics include turmeric, lemon and honey masks that tone your skin. 

You can also try the potato juice masks that helps smooth out your skin or the honey and lemon mask that acts as a liquid exfoliator to brighten the discolored areas for a more even tone. 

These are simple but powerful remedies for your skin and to be honest, you will see some results. How long? It will vary from person to person.