1. When you make fun of her body, you make her struggle to
feel beautiful; she will begin to hide her body from you. You are the one to
celebrate her beauty.
2. When you go for weeks without touching her or making love
to her yet you sleep on the same bed; you make her doubt if she is sexy. Her
body belongs to only you, show her that you want her.
3. When you stare and drool at other women's buttocks,
cleavage, legs or breasts when they pass; you make your wife feel disrespected
and that you are not satisfied with her. Training your eyes not to lust is a
way of loving you’re her.
4. When you slap, beat up or hit your wife; you abuse her
emotionally and crush her confidence by making her fear you. Your life-partner
should not fear you but be comfortable with you.
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5. When shut down her voice and deny her a chance to speak,
to contribute or to share her opinion; you make her feel useless. You two are a
team, she is not to be beneath you but beside you.
6. When you deny her a chance to have a social life because
of your insecurities; you make her feel imprisoned and prisons kill
self-esteem. Marriage should not be a death sentence to her social life or
7. When you stop her from pursuing her dreams or achieving
success; you rob her of her fulfilment which lowers ones self-esteem and stops
her from being her best self. Check whether you also have a low self-esteem
because men with low self-esteem are the ones who stop the woman they love from
8. When you order around, shout and talk to your wife as if
she is a little girl privately, in front of your children, in front of your
family or in public; you demean her and make feel worthless. Remain a King and
address her like a Queen, even when you disagree with her.
9. When you reject and despise anything she does, reject her
cooking, keep telling how she is stupid, incompetent, not motherly or wifely
enough; you make her feel inadequate and she might stop doing things for you.
Remember you are the one who chose her as your wife because of the good you saw
in her; no one forced you. Learn to appreciate her and correct her with love.
10. When you entertain other women or cheat on her; it makes
her wonder what did she do to deserve this treatment, wasn't she enough? Show
her that she is your only one and she will confidently love you.
A woman should work on her own self-love and be confident in
herself but her man plays a huge role in reinforcing her self-esteem. If you
bring down her self-esteem you will end up having a struggling marriage because
of a wounded wife, or she might work on herself and defend herself from you
loving you from a distance in other cases she might leave you, or she might
react and also hurt you in a way to destroy your self-esteem and things get
ugly... It is not worth it.
Love her up and you will be loved and respected.
© Dayan Masinde
In my book, MANHOOD SERIES, I walk with men towards
understanding themselves and help women to understand men.
In my other book, WOMANHOOD SERIES, I walk with women
towards understanding themselves and help men to understand women.
To purchase the MANHOOD SERIES written by Dayan Masinde,
MPESA Ksh. 200 to 0721590954, then text the word MAN and your email address to
the same number and the book will be sent to your email address for you to
download and read on your phone or computer.
To purchase the WOMANHOOD SERIES written by Dayan Masinde,
MPESA Ksh. 200 to 0721590954, then text the word WOMAN and your email address
to the same number and the book will be sent to your email address for you to
download and read on your phone or computer.