Elgeyo Marakwet Senator Kipchumba Murkomen has urged Kenyans to adhere to the directives given by the Ministry of Health in a bid to contain the Coronavirus.

Murkomen thanked health experts for their commitment in ensuring Brenda and Brian made full recoveries but warned Kenyans against letting their guard down.

“Congratulations Brenda and Brian. We thank God for healing you. Congratulations to our health experts/workers and all those involved for doing everything to help us stay safe.

“Brenda’s &Brian’s recovery is however not a license for us to be reckless. Let’s strictly follow the protocols,” he said.

For the past few weeks, the Ministry of Health has advised Kenyans to avoid crowds and to wash their hands frequently to keep away the virus.

On the two patients who have recovered fully, Health CS Mutahi Kagwe urged Kenyans to come forward if they experience any symptoms.

He warned that the virus is spreading quickly and based on the recent statistics, the person next to you might have been exposed already.

“The virus is here with us and it has caused very many deaths. If you treat it normally it will treat you abnormally.

“Please quarantine yourself if you have been travelling or you are not feeling well,” he said.

Ministry of Health Director-General Dr Patrick Amoth also shed light on the treatment that was being administered to COVID-19 patients at Mbagathi saying they are using Chloroquine and Azithromycin.

“The one patient who is in ICU is on Chloroquine and Azithromycin. He is responding well but we cannot conclude that the combination of the two treats Coronavirus.

“We need to work with a bigger sample to reach that conclusion,” he said.