Gatundu South Member of Parliament Moses Kuria on Thursday morning, April 2, weighed in on the press conference by coronavirus (COVID-19) recovery patients Brenda Cherotich and Brian Orinda.

Taking to his Facebook account, the legislator said that the government did not perform well while addressing the issue of the Covid-19 recovery patients.

“From a communications point of view, the Government of Kenya performed badly on COVID-19 yesterday. Forget the Prophet Owuor healing Press Conference for the Brenda & Brian Initiative. Do not be fooled,” said the legislator.

The MP also urged Kenyans to take precautionary measures against the pandemic, terming it as a ‘very lethal killer.’

Kuria said the numbers will only continue to increase, giving an example of the prediction made by President Trump that the pandemic might claim the lives of over 100,000 Americans.

“Continue keeping safe. Corona Virus is a very lethal killer. 100,000 Americans will die in the next 2 weeks as confirmed by President Trump,” Kuria added.

In his own view, the Gatundu South MP said President Uhuru Kenyatta might have been misled after having the press conference with Brenda and Brian.

He also pointed out on the issue of Deputy President William Ruto being absent from the limelight as the country is faced with the pandemic.

“I think someone misled my President yesterday. And I think my President is lonely. And I think my President misses his Deputy,” he added.

On Wednesday April 1, President Uhuru had a Skype chat with Brenda and Brian to update him on their recovery progress.

Brenda, who was the first confirmed coronavirus case in the country, gave hope to Kenyans during the press conference, saying that the disease in manageable.

“I want to tell Kenyans that this virus is manageable and people might have mild symptoms like a cough and a slight headache, so people should not really be afraid, we will pull through,” said Brenda.

After watching the conference, Starehe MP Charles Njagua alias Jaguar, just like his fellow legislator Kuria, took to Twitter and said that it was a bad idea to have televised the conference.

Jaguar says that most of his constituents are now more afraid of hunger than the coronavirus.

“I've received calls from my constituents telling me that they're now even more afraid of hunger than they were of COVID-19. They can see it's curable at Govt's expense. Was that press conference with Brenda & Brian a good idea? Did President Uhuru Kenyatta's advisers fail him?” asked the Starehe MP.

However, a section of Kenyans on twitter disagreed with the MP, saying that it was a good idea to televised the press conference as it gave Kenyans hope.

Kenya West: All countries have been showing their recoveries, you need to remind your constituents that contracting #COVID19 is not a death sentence it has a 97% recovery chances. Also when they’re sick will they eat? Work? People must follow govt instructions, they need hope too like today.

Clement Police: It's reassuring to let the public know that there can be hope even for those who are infected. Send food to your constituents and let President Uhuru be.

Winnie Kabintie: Of course it was a good idea!!! we need hope amid the anxiety!!

The George: Failed him? People want reassurance that victims or patients can be cured.