It seems as if a new story related to the coronavirus is being released every day, with one major development after another.

The COVID-19 outbreaks have so far impacted more thousands of people worldwide, and the number of deaths has increased to almost 3,828.

From 195 countries around the world, 85 so far have been impacted by the virus, with China, Italy, South Korea, and Iran facing the worst of the consequences.

Top U.S. scientists made a statement last week that the Trump administration has instructed them to prepare to deal with the coronavirus.

On Thursday, a global conference on the coronavirus was held at the Pentagon, with scientists from around the world participating.

At the meeting, Nelson Michael, director of the Center for Infectious Diseases at the Walter Reed Army Institute in the United States, issued new warnings about the global coronavirus. Dr. Nielsen and his colleagues believe that although the number of cases of coronavirus may decrease next month, the world will have to prepare for a "second wave" next winter.

According to scientists, the virus spreads quickly in the winter.

When it comes to developments regarding a potential vaccine, scientific research has so far found that the virus maybe a little less communicable in the summer, but it's a mistake to say that the virus will not stay in hot climates.

Its reach in the warm regions of Singapore and Australia shows that the virus does not spread quickly in the summer but does not end.

Dr. Michael made it clear at the conference that given the current rate of vaccination against the coronavirus, it is clear that the planet is unlikely to be prepared if a second wave occurs.

He also said that it was a respiratory virus and that it would be more deadly in winter. In this case, it is doubtful whether it will survive the summer days and reappear in the winter.

"We want to tell all countries in the world that from now on, they must be ready for the second wave," Dr. Michael said.

Efforts have been made by China and Korea to prevent the virus from spreading, particularly in banknotes and legal tender.

Authorities have used ultraviolet light and high temperatures to sterilize the bills. Only after staying in a fully sealed store for 14 days did the bills come into circulation.

Sources in the Bank of England say there are currently no plans for the same procedures China or Korea undertook to be performed in Britain. The World Health Organization (WHO) has also publicly said that people in Britain should exercise caution when infected bills are taken into their hands.

When asked if bank bills could also cause the coronavirus to spread, the short answer from the WHO was - yes, it is possible.

We know how money goes hand-in-hand with infection, and how it can be infected with many kinds of germs or viruses at any time.

Representatives with WHO further advised people to wash their hands thoroughly and avoid touching their mouths after being exposed to bank bills.

Where possible, a cashless transaction should be performed.

New information also came to light last week that COVID-19 could survive for up to nine days outside the human body.

Until now, it had not been proven how long a new coronavirus could survive outside the human body. Based on 22 separate studies, including those linked to SARS and MARS, the General of Hospital Infection stated that the human coronavirus could survive for up to nine days at room temperature. However, it is also true that after using insecticide, as well as at high temperatures, the virus immediately disappears.

The death toll from this virus is also not decreasing. There have also been some shocking cases of coronavirus in China.

According to a report, some people lost their lives even after recovering from a Coronavirus infection. One of the individuals was discharged from the hospital but died a few days after being released. The patient's age and potential underlying health factors are currently unknown.

Coronavirus cases seem to be changing. In many cases, those recovered from the coronavirus infection were once again engulfed by the virus. The aforementioned patient recovered but was tested positive again for a virus infection.

Shanghai's news portal, 'The Paper,' has given shocking information about it. The 36-year-old man was admitted to a hospital in Wuhan for the coronavirus. The hospital discharged the man after he was cured, but died five days after being discharged.

The man, Li Liang, was admitted to the hospital on Feb. 12, showing mild-to-moderate symptoms of the virus.

Liang's wife, Mei, said that Li was discharged from the hospital two weeks after being admitted to the hospital. He was advised to stay in a hotel for at least 14 days.

Two days after discharge from the hospital, Li's health began to deteriorate. On Mar. 2, he fell ill again. He was taken to the hospital again but succumbed to his illness. Doctors later confirmed the presence of the Coronavirus infection in Li's body.

People are still getting sick again after recovering from a coronavirus infection. Wuhan's doctors are also confirming that many patients have to be hospitalized again. They came out of the infection once, but once they were discharged, the symptoms of the virus started to appear again.

There are several patients in Wuhan who were discharged from the hospital after recovering from the infection, but after a few days, they were found to be positive for a viral infection, then had to be hospitalized again.

It remains to be seen exactly how the Coronavirus epidemic will pan out over the coming days and weeks, but it is important for residents to exercise caution and practice healthy hygiene habits.

After all, you can't put a price on your own health.