Deputy President William Ruto, on Thursday, February 27, shared a screenshot aimed at indirectly responding to former Prime Minister Raila Odinga's remarks during an interview. 

Raila, while speaking to Tony Gachoka on KTN Point Blank, described the Deputy President as his political student, saying that he helped him sharpen his tactics. 

"Why should I fight Ruto? In fact, it is me who recruited him to the change movement and helped him sharpen his political tactics," said Raila.

The DP, through his Twitter handle, posted a screenshot showing former Chief Justice Willy Mutunga's comment saying, "Students can be brighter than their teacher. As a teacher of law I know that for a fact."— William Samoei Ruto, PhD (@WilliamsRuto) February 27, 2020


On the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) matter, Raila warned Ruto to stop dreaming about stopping the 'BBI Reggae' and described those opposing the BBI as disgruntled members.

"The BBI train has already left the station and is unstoppable. Those making noise are a few disgruntled members. They are opposing just for the sake of it because we have not even formulated the referendum question."

"Ruto is just one person among 47 million Kenyans. He initially said he would support BBI then started blowing hot ad cold, but has now said he will stop reggae. I wish him all the best," said Raila.

On Sunday, while attending a church service at the Full Gospel Gatunduri Church in Embu, William Ruto said that the BBI would be stopped if it will divide Kenyans.

"This story we're being told about nobody can stop reggae, if the reggae is what we're seeing — the ethnicity that is being preached in BBI rallies, the ethnic profiling of communities, hate and the campaign pitting one community against another, if that is the reggae they're talking about, my friends, reggae will stop."

He added that the BBI rally take took place in Narok was meant to spread hate and fear among Kenyans.