Lauded as an educationist and a peacemaker, Kenya’s second President the late Daniel Arap Moi looked at life in the bigger picture.

After handing over power to then-President Mwai Kibaki, Moi lived a quiet life and made peace with the Almighty.

According to those closest to him, at the time of his demise he was at peace with himself and God.

Perhaps this explains why he shared his wise counsel with Baringo Senator and his lastborn Gideon Moi during his last days on earth.

During a hospital visit by Gideon, Moi told his son that life and death are intertwined.

“To accept life is to accept death. You can’t have one and not the other,” he said.

For the 24 years he served as the second president of the Republic of Kenya, and even in retirement, Mzee Moi remained a committed Christian.

Clergy told The Standard that the former president valued Christian teachings and never failed to attend Sunday service where he delivered inspirational messages of peace, love and unity.

African Inland Church (AIC) former presiding Bishop Silas Misoi Yego said he received the sad news of Moi\'s death with profound shock.

Yego said he visited Moi at the Nairobi Hospital on Thursday last week and found him alert. He said the former president asked to accompany him to church - a request the cleric said \"could have symbolised his journey to heaven after he served the country and God diligently.\"

“As an individual and church, we condole with the family and wish them strength,” said Yego.

He described Moi as a dedicated Christian with whom he had worked closely for 34 years.

\"I am happy that Moi was baptised in AIC, married in AIC and donated a lot to AIC. Everyone across the country knew he was a member of AIC,” Yego said.