The neglected Mombasa stadium by the Mombasa County Government, October 02, 2018. [PHOTO BY GIDEON MAUNDU/STANDARD].

Construction at the Mombasa County Stadium will begin in three weeks.

According to Mombasa County Chief Executive Officer of Sports Rajab Babu, design, procurement and tender awarding processes have been completed.

“The new contractor will only need 14-days to put his or her tools in place and start working,” said Babu.

He added that the dilapidated stadium has denied the county revenue for the past three years. “The stadium will be modernised to accommodate 20,000 spectators from the current 13,000 and will be completed within 12 months from the start date,” said Babu.

Upon completion, the stadium will have an official Fifa standard 11-aside Astro-Turf pitch fully with amenities including lavatories, changing rooms, floodlights for night matches.

“Mombasa County is going to have one of the best stadiums in the country by the end of 2019,” said Babu, who is also the head coach of the national beach football team.

In September, Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho said his government had set aside Sh1.2 billion for the renovation of the stadium.

Joho said his government had opted to transform the stadium into a new state-of-the-art facility. “We have set everything in place and Mombasa will have a modern stadium by 2019,” said the governor.