The year is coming to an end and there are things about 2017 that you do not wish to drag into 2018. Top of the list is your girlfriend whom you feel you no longer want to be with.

Whatever your reason is, you should call it quits in a good way without hurting or getting hurt in the process. You do not want to burn your bridges after crossing as you might need them later.

Here are simple ways through which you can shrug off your girlfriend and happily march into 2018;

Stop picking up her calls

One way to express to her that she has lost meaning in your life is by ignoring her calls. You can reply with “Am in a class or in a meeting I will call you later,” and do not call her back unless it is an emergency.

Do not text back

Totally ignore her good morning and good night texts and any other texts sent in between the day including emails. If in-case you bump into her and she questions your negligence, just acknowledge that you saw the texts but you forgot to text back. This will give her a sign that she is no longer a priority.

Fail her date nights

It is simple, never ever show up for dates no matter the restaurant, hotel or if it’s at her place. Just assure her you will be there on time only to be a no-show.

Always be late

Come in late and be the first one to leave. Be it on her birthday or her parents’ 50th wedding anniversary. In fact, leave when she is about to introduce you to her folks.

Avoid her circles

Try not to be involved with her ring of friends be it in church, school or work. You can always leave either earlier or later when she preoccupied with something.

Stop having sex with her

Let her know that she can no longer get intimate with you, no matter her advances. If you get intimate with her, you are at a risk of remaining stuck in the same situation with the same woman forever.

Have irrelevant excuses

Finally, if she fails to take notice of all the above, create an excuse not to be with her. Say something like “Mary, I think it is high time I take my career seriously, so I have no time for relationships,” or “Agnes, I’m not the right man for you.”

Using the above tips, it will be easy for you to part ways well with your partner without causing to much pain or drama in the process.