It will take a while before the world adjusts to a Trump presidency. But his win has taught the world the painful reality of democracy. Most Kenyans will miss the grace by which Barack Obama ran his administration. As a leader, he not only united the world but offered hope at a time the United States economy was crumbling.

Obama was a symbol of humility and was admired for his charisma, gentility and tolerance. He made the work of the president of the world’s super power look cool. Above all he was an inspiration to many families, looking at what a family man he was and how good he was with children.

But that is in the past now. Trump is exactly what Obama was not. Too aggressive, blunt, arrogant and even abusive. But he appeals to the nationalistic instinct of most Americans who think their country has been spending too much time and resources building the rest of the world at their own expense.

Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States on January 20th, 2017 succeeding Barack Obama. Trump hugged his wife, Melania, and other members of his family.

He told the crowd that he is going to transfer power from Washington D.C and giving it back to the people, stressing that it’s all going to be America First.
In other areas, activists ran through the streets enhancing violence, carrying flags that said, 'join the resistance, fight back now,' and although police tried to stop them, they kept throwing stones.

Although Trump is now the U.S president, only 40 per cent of Americans viewed him favourably and approved how he has handled transition. Trump's campaign was all about taking the country on a more isolationist, protectionist path and by this, in the Middle East, he wants to move the U.S embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

According to the fitness fanatic whom he follows into the white house, Trump has never smoked tobacco and also doesn't drink alcohol, by this, people complain that there is no reason a healthy person cannot carry out the responsibilities of the president of U.S. But after all is said, Trump is the president for Americans and the world should accept it and move on.