Love in campus is just like a game nowadays. It is like a business. A few percentage get to be serious about it and may even lead to their marriage.
Some make a contract, a four-year contract relationship, that means immediately after campus it will be like nothing ever existed. Really? it's weird. Many relationships got a trust problem. Insecurities that get them to top trending news, murders.

A student killed by a fellow student because he/she had a relationship with someone else, games. This morning I met two different ladies complaining painfully due to heartbreaks. Does it mean that the men are the one not serious or the ladies are poor in maintenance?

All in all, complications are always there in campus relationships. Side chicks pretending to be so good, real. Perfect cooking, washing the clothes and utensils daily, cares a lot more than you do and always soft in making things right unlike the main chick. This got me into these:

What Do You Mean by Love?
Love is unknowable. It can be realized only when the known is understood and transcended. Only when the mind is free of the known, then only there will be love. So, we must approach love negatively, not positively.

What is love to most of us? With us, when we love, in it there is possessiveness, dominance, or subservience. From this possession arises jealousy and fear of loss, and we legalize this possessive instinct.

 From possessiveness arise jealousy and the innumerable conflicts with which each one is familiar. Possessiveness, then, is not love. Nor is love sentimental. To be sentimental, to be emotional, excludes love.Sensitivity and emotions are merely sensations.

. . . Love alone can transform insanity, confusion, and strife. No system, no theory of the left or of the right can bring peace and happiness to man. Where there is love, there is no possessiveness, no envy; there is mercy and compassion, not in theory, but actually for your wife and for your children, for your neighbor and for your servant. . . . Love alone can bring about mercy and beauty, order and peace. There is love with its blessing when "you" cease to be.

Is forgiveness love?
Is forgiveness love? What is implied in forgiveness? You insult me and I resent it, remember it; then, either through compulsion or through repentance, I say, "I forgive you." First I retain and then I reject. Which means what? I am still the central figure; it is I who am forgiving somebody.

As long as there is the attitude of forgiving it is I who am important, not the man who is supposed to have insulted me. So when I accumulate resentment and then deny that resentment, which you call forgiveness, it is not love.

 A man who loves obviously has no enmity and to all these things he is indifferent. Sympathy, forgiveness, the relationship of possessiveness, jealousy and fear all these things are not love. They are all of the minds, are they not?

When there is love there is no duty and no responsibility

Does love have responsibility and duty, and will it use those words? When you do something out of duty is there any love in it? In duty there is no love.

The structure of duty in which the human being is caught is destroying him. So long as you are compelled to do something because it is your duty you don't love what you are doing. When there is love there is no duty and no responsibility

love in different ways creates unity.The different types of love practiced a times are questionable but how does it serve to you?