There is an emerging report that the former Prime Minister who is also the opposition leader is being set up to ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda .This will be in an effort that will stabilize the country.

According to political analyst Prof Mutahi Ngunyi, the CORD leader quest for power will be the bait that will see him trapped and be prosecuted by ICC.

Speaking to the Standard Media Group on Saturday in his office, Nairobi Mutahi Ngunyi said that the Jubilee government is going to do everything possible to see to it that Raila is silenced. He further said that changing election laws was done deliberately so that Raila Odinga together with his supporters take to the street and cause mayhem.

According to Mutahi the mass action that will be called by Odinga will brand him a warmonger.The analyst went further and said that Raila will be abandoned by his political allies whom he said that, they are not as militant as Raila.

While addressing the journalist the professor said that it will be a sweet revenge to see Raila in the dock.The opposition kingpin is said to be a victim of violating the law and that is why he is opposed to each and every move made by the government.

It should be remembered that the president and his deputy were forced to shoulder the burden of the 2007 post-election violence at his expense and Mwai Kibaki.This Ruto and Uhuru to come together.

The analyst said that the votes that jubilee received were ‘votes against the ICC’.This time around the game needs to change in order to see Uhuru Kenyatta re-elected.According to him, there is less excitement towards the ICC factor by Uhuru’s supporters.

If the ICC factor is to be used then it will give Raila political mileage which politicians in Uhuru’s camp don't want.He lashed at Raila and said that he will never be voted as the president of Kenya because he is known to attract crowds than votes.As a matter of fact, he pointed out that Raila is a man of many words but no actions.

Mr. Mutahi said that if Raila’s propaganda is something to go by he can only become the Prime Minister.And this will only happen if the public buys his claims which according to him have no place in the hearts of the public.

Jubilee government is set to win the election bearing in mind that its development track.He said that Uhuru's journey to State House will not be a walk in the park but he will make it. According to him, the president will get to state house with a limp because of unresolved issues.

He blamed the president for not dealing with the 2007 issues that have hurt this nation."The president did not deal with the issues that took us to war rather he buried them and we forged ahead as a nation in assumption," he added.

While looking deeper into political issues Mutahi saw the possibility of Kalonzo betraying Raila for a second time as he will join the government.This will happen immediately after elections.This will be a very big blow to Raila.Through his mass action, he will be labeled a war monger and be send to ICC.

In conclusion, he advised Raila to play safe so that he does not end in Uhuru’s allies trap that will see him go to the Hague."It is clear that through jubilee changing election laws Raila will fall into that trap.He will blame the government for rigging election and the rest will be history," said Mutahi.