Dr Alfred Mutua should stop calling Kambas poor. We are not poor he is the one making us poor. He should desist from making himself relevant to Kamba politics by claiming he wants to eradicate poverty in Ukambani.

Words have power. I wonder if he is aware of the poverty index of Kamba people and at what rate are Kambas poor. He has been vocal in criticising Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka claiming that he has not done anything in Ukambani. However, Dr Mutua is wrong because Kalonzo has done a lot including constructing dams, schools, roads and a big irrigation scheme that is helping the residents of Ukambani.

Kalonzo also through his foundation has been educating numerous young students who never dreamt of joining school. Together with Raila, they fought for the new constitution which came with devolution.

Mutua acquires approximately Sh200 billion from the national government. These are fruits of devolution which Kalonzo was not benefiting from the national government and which Kalonzo fought for.

Mutua is boasting of planting flowers from Athi River to Machakos. I feel that it is a misplaced priority.

Machakos County has a low crime rate yet Mutua has invested so heavily on CCTV cameras and several police vehicles. Most of these vehicles have broken down as the cost of maintenance is too high. The case is similar with ambulances.

Mutua is too proud of himself yet he has done so little to be recognized. He is just relying on PR.

Mutua has been nurtured by Kalonzo Musyoka how is it that Kalonzo has become irrelevant to him?

Recently, he shed tears in a public rally citing that he is crying for "poor Kambas". Why didn’t he cry when he was a government spokesperson? He lied when it was alleged that there were no cases of people dying because of hunger in Ukambani. Why does he now want to save the "poor kambas?"

Mutua I just want to advise you on this adage, “what an old man can see while seated a young man can’t see while standing.” We must respect our fellow politicians even if we defer in ideologies.