In one or several occasions we have found ourselves call or text the wrong person inadvertently just because we misspelt a digit. It sometime makes us feel guilty and hate ourselves because our secrets have been uncovered or got into the wrong hands. But how do we save ourselves from this?

The difficult part of it is that is not possible to reverse the call or text. A single touch, press or swipe on call or send is enough to get your message to the recipient.

All the same those who receive calls and messages without checking on the sender or caller run at a risk of answering contrary to the caller.

Worse is when those on cheating spree are caught red-handed after the message or the call went to the wrong person. Take for instance Derrick whose girlfriend had been backbiting came to know after the message was wrongly sent to him. “I was surprised when I received a text message from my girlfriend and details were shocking” notes Derrick.

Derrick further argues that in such scenarios only intelligence will save someone from such a problem.

The most demoralizing occasion is when you call your boss at odd hours unexpectedly. It may be disastrous as you may risk losing your job. However in normal world we are bound to make mistakes. The problem can only be solved by us being keen and embrace patience.

 A simple mistake of calling the wrong person has had devastating consequences. Many relationships built over for a long time can break or respect lost within a second of misspelling a single digit. Take for instance a text message from a pious lady who accidentally sends a love message to her pastor!

Therefore before you press send button, or call button re-check the recipient because that call or message may destroy you the remainder of your life.