By Allan Kisia

Nairobi, Kenya: Kenyans who incur losses due to power outages and surges could soon get compensation if a move by Marakwet East MP David Bowen sails through.

Bowen wants Kenya Power to compensate Kenyans who encounter fires and loss of property as a result of outages and surges.

The MP, who gave a Notice of Motion at the National Assembly on Wednesday, further wants the Government to liberalise power distribution thereby breaking the monopoly of Kenya Power.

He argued that liberalising distribution would encourage competition, which will result in efficiency and a reducing in the cost of power.

He accused Kenya Power of portraying a lackluster approach to handling customer complaints. “Customers are disadvantaged due to lack of alternatives in electricity providers,” he explained.

Bowen lamented that power outages and surges have become a norm especially with the onset of heavy rains resulting if fires but Kenya Power never compensates the victims.

A recent move by Kenya Power to increase electricity tariffs hit a dead end after the Government rejected the proposal.

Deputy President William Ruto said the Government would not allow any tariff increases and told Kenya Power to find other means of raising revenue.