Dr Kathryn Limo is a medical aesthetician (skin specialist), she talks to Wambui Thimba about her career.

When did you know you wanted to be a doctor?

In 1994 when I was about 14. I was visiting a relative at Kenyatta National Hospital and we hitched a ride on a prison bus. While on the bus, I witnessed how one of the prisoners, an AIDs patient, was being treated. He had been covered and put on the floor and no one wanted to touch him. I was really moved and it is then that I decided I wanted to be a doctor to help such people.

Which university did you go to?

After high school at Muthale Girls’ High School in Kitui, I joined University of Nairobi in 2000. I graduated in 2007 and worked as an intern at the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret.

Why did you choose to specialise in skin care and aesthetics?

Dr Kathryn Limo is a medical aesthetician (skin specialist)

I suffered from adult acne and nothing I tried worked. In 2009, I went for a conference in Dubai, which was sponsored by the American Academy of Aesthetics. As I sought a solution for my problem and got more information on skin care, I developed a passion for the field. I joined London Skin of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in 2009.

What is your work history?

Apart from the internship, I have been the director at Vital Medical Supplies Company since last year. I am also a medical aesthetician at Spa Eden at Adams Arcade. It entails providing high quality cosmetics (some imported), offering professional services and enlightening clients on products.

What are the challenges of your work?

Sourcing for affordable shipping methods for the products we import and meeting deadlines for product delivery. Repackaging cosmetics, especially into free promotional sachets, is difficult.

Enlightening clients on the difference between prescribed pharmacy-grade skin care products versus other cosmetics is also challenging.

As much as we import many of our products, we try our best to sell them at affordable prices.

What do you love about your job?

I am passionate about skin care products that stimulate the skin to produce beautiful skin. You can retrain your skin at a cellular level to produce healthy skin.

We need products that tackle harsh effects of the sun, wind, cold and lifestyle stressors. These pollutants cause premature aging that manifests as acne, wrinkles, changes in skin colour or unevenness and loss of skin’s elasticity.

I had to live with persistent mild adult onset acne until I started searching for pharmacy grade products that not only treat acne, but also reverse the effects of sun damage and other aging elements.

I am happy to be part of this revolutionary products and services that not so long ago were only accessible to the wealthy.

What skin procedure do you offer?

Botox, chemical peels, fillers, facials, manicure, pedicure, professional make up classes and make over’s.

What is your favourite procedure?

Chemical peels. They are an easy way of exfoliating the skin. I would recommend that every lady does it at least twice a year but if you have acne doing it on a monthly basis works best.

A day in my life ?

I start my day at 9am, after ensuring that my baby is well fed and settled for the day, oversee any pending orders, then link up with my co-spa owners to tackle the day’s agenda. We source for events to promote the spa services and products most of the time. I meet patients in the course of the day. My day ends at 6pm.

Where do you see yourself in a few years?

My future plans are to expand the business to most counties in Kenya, East Africa and beyond.

Advice for aspiring Aesthetics?

Ensure that you get the required training, understand your clientele, be passionate about it, and understand that it takes time to build consumer’s trust.