By Phares Mutembei

Prize giving days bring a lot of excitement among students. That was the mood at the Moi Educational Centre, Nairobi, last week. The children had anxiously counted hours to the day. The guest of honour brought even more excitement. When he strode into the compound, former President Daniel Moi was welcomed by wild applause. He didn’t disappoint the children as he smiled tenderly.

The pupils entertained parents, teachers and other guests with vigour.

Former president Moi (left) congratulates prize-winners.

Then the moment they were all waiting for reached. Those who had excelled in academic and extra-curricular activities were awarded prizes, medals and certificates. As they walked to receive their awards from the guest of honour, one student stood out. Thirteen-year-old Roy Kitur was recognised for being the best student in Information Technology (IT).

Roy, who is the chairman of the computer club, says: "I want a career in IT. I thank the school for providing computers and other Information Technology tools for us. I am lucky to be exposed to IT at this early age because IT moves the world."

Roy, who aspires to be a famous software developer, got a chance to visit the Microsoft Corporation in Seattle, US. He went with other pupils. Microsoft is the biggest company that makes computer software, or programmes that are used to run the computer.

"We went to see how they work. However, we did not get to meet Bill Gates, the genius behind the company," says Roy whose best subject is mathematics.

He says one of his role models is his father, David Kitur, who works in IT.

"Another of my role models is King David. Even when he did wrong, he was humble and wise enough to approach God for forgiveness."

Rodney Willanda and Faith Jepchumba, avid athletes were awarded for being the overall sports personalities of the year. The most outstanding Girl Scout was Michelle Chebet while the boys’ category award went to Kassim Jamal.

Green House was the most outstanding house in academics. Last year’s top KCPE candidates were also awarded — Prince Gitonga, 13, now at Mang’u School and Maureen Chemutai, 14, now at Moi Girls High School, Nairobi.