Kericho County Assembly in session during the impeachment motion against Governor Erick Mutai on October 2, 2024. [Nikko Tanui, Standard]

Some 16 Members of the Kericho County Assembly (MCAs) on Wednesday boycotted the impeachment debate against Kericho Governor  Erick Mutai.

In a move that appeared calculated to deny the assembly the two-thirds threshold needed to impeach the governor, only 31 out of the 47 Ward representatives were in the chambers.

Although the governor had obtained a court order stopping the MCAs from debating the impeachment motion, Speaker Patrick Mutai overruled the court order and directed the house to proceed with the matter.

The court order by Justice Joseph Sergon read, “Pending the inter parties hearing of the motion dated October 1, 2024, interim conservatory orders are issued against the respondents, jointly and severally, suspending and staying the debate, consideration, and/or any action upon the notice tabled on September 23, 2024, and the motion moved on September 24, 2024, for the removal of the applicant from office.

The county boss is facing a series of accusations among them claims of indecency and unnatural sexual behaviour damaging his reputation.

The mover of the motion, Kiprotich Rogony, claimed to have evidence supporting allegations that Governor Mutai intimidates and harasses junior officers who disagree with him.

"There are numerous complaints from female partners accusing the governor of indecent and unnatural sexual behaviour, including unconsented anal sex and other forms of dangerous and unprotected sexual activities," Rogony alleged in his petition, which was filed before the county assembly.

The 15-page motion, tabled by Rogony, details various complaints about the governor's conduct.

"The victim of the abuse seeks anonymity at this stage and has requested to be heard in-camera to protect her identity and dignity," the MCA said adding that pseudonyms will be used to conceal the victim’s identity.

Rogony argued that the governor's actions have brought dishonour and disrepute to the office, violating Chapter Six of the Constitution and the Leadership and Integrity Act of 2012.

Assembly Leader of Majority, Phillip Rono said 37 out of 47 MCAs have signed the impeachment motion against the county boss.