Trans Nzoia Governor George Natembeya. [Elvis Ogina, Standard]

Trans Nzoia Governor George Natembeya has insisted that his ‘Tawe’ political movement is unstoppable.

Drawing Biblical inspiration in his new wave that has sent shockwaves in Western Kenya, Natembeya urged citizens to embrace his resolute stating that it will address high poverty levels and usher in new leadership.

"The time has come to say 'no' firmly. No to poverty, no to poor leadership. We must be clear and decisive in our pursuit of a better life and better governance," Natembeya declared.

According to the governor, lack of honesty is the root cause of struggles in Western region. He urged citizens to make the right decisions and to stand by them for the sake of a better future.

"We need to make the right choices and stick by them. Leaders lie, but they are tormented by their actions deep down. This is wrong, we need to say 'Tawe' to it. It is time for honest leaders who can empower our people and revitalize the economy," he said.

He added: "Honesty is an important virtue that will sow the seeds to transform Kenya. The time has come to have honest leaders who will empower people economically and spur the economy in the Western region," Natembeya asserted.

The Leader of Minority at the Trans Nzoia County Assembly Eric Wafula expressed his support for the Tawe Movement saying Governor Natembeya's words are a breath of fresh air.

"We need leaders who are willing to stand up for what is right and not just follow the status quo. This is a call for change. As the movement grows, it has the potential to transform not only Trans Nzoia but the entire nation," said Wafula.

Sinyereri ward MCA, John Makhanu noted the importance of Natembeya's stance against tribalism and discrimination.

"For too long, we have allowed these issues to divide us. It is time to come together and say 'no' to anything that undermines our unity and progress," Makhanu said.

Makhanu termed it as a significant step towards addressing long-standing issues in Western region. By grounding his movement in biblical principles and calling for honesty and integrity, the governor hopes to inspire a new wave of leadership that prioritizes the welfare of the people over personal gain.

As the "Tawe Movement" gains momentum, the governor is optimistic that it will attract a following committed to these ideals. 

"I decided to say 'tawe' and I hope that we are going to have a great following so that all of us can have the confidence to face injustice, say it is wrong, and be prepared to face the consequences. Even if you suffer today, let the generation that comes after us not suffer," Natembeya said.