Righteousness is defined as a state of moral perfection required by God to enter heaven.
In simple terms, it is simply being right with God, which encompasses total obedience to Him.
It means doing what God wants us to do and shunning what He calls evil.
What usually happens is that as human beings, it is impossible to be perfect, just as the word states that no one is perfect except God Almighty.
We are prone to fail time and again because we cannot make it on our own.
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That is why we are encouraged to plug into God’s saving grace, and then and only then will we enter His righteousness.
There are many who plugged in by faith and it is credited to them like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and others. They simply obeyed God.
One reason we should strive for righteousness is that whatever we want or need will accompany us.
For instance, one word encourages us to seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto us. Often, we seek earthly stuff like degrees, property, love and forget the creator who would credit us with righteousness, a state that is more valuable than material possessions.
God has promised to grant the righteous favour that simply means unmerited preference.
It is not because we have said thousands of prayers or that we have assisted hundreds of disadvantaged families.
It is simply that God will choose the righteous to bless, over the unrighteous.
A story is told in the Bible of Esther who found herself in a powerful position as the King’s wife.
Israel faced imminent threat of being annihilated but God’s favour was upon Esther whose actions rescued a whole nation.
Another benefit of righteousness is that God is close to them.
When they cry out in distress, He hears them.The psalmist said he has never seen the righteous forsaken nor their dependants begging bread.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, says the word of God, but He delivers them from all.
It does not mean the righteous will not go through the issues of life.
If anything, it appears to me as though they suffer the most.
The only distinguishing thing is that God is constantly by their side, an ever present help in their time of need so that they experience peace that suppasseth all understanding.
Wisdom also accompanies the righteous.
This is because they are plugged into God’s well of wisdom from which they so generously fetch.
When everyone else is at a loss concerning what to do in a tight situation, the righteous’ voice will speak with wisdom.
The righteous have simply understood that spending hours in God’s presence, praying, reading and meditating on His word are a way to gain immense wisdom.
They are aware of the invitation by the Lord to obtain wisdom from him should they be lacking in it.
The righteousness I speak of is not the righteousness of men, that encourages doing good on earth to gain favour with God.
It is the righteousness that comes from God after we have professed faith in Him when we need to do nothing to obtain His favour.