Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki addresses the press at Harambee House, Nairobi, on March 9, 2023. [File, Standard]

The government has promised radical and drastic military action starting Saturday, March 11, 2023, in the six counties that have been affected by banditry and cases of cattle rustling.

As the crackdown by the military and police entered the second phase, the State warned that the exercise would leave tongues wagging.

This came as the counties identified as disturbed continued to record cases of cattle rustling and killings by the armed rustlers.

According to the Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki, the second phase would permanently deal with the criminals who had continued to harass and kill innocent people.

The CS said that the joint operation between the police and the military would dismantle and bring down the organized gangs mainly in North Rift.

He issued a warning to human rights activists, oversight bodies, and the media that the State would close its 'ears and eyes' as the second phase kicked off.

"We shall be announcing the next drastic measures on the ground and this time we shall dismantle these groups antagonising Kenyans," he said.

Kindiki decried the time it had taken to deal with the cattle rustlers noting the vice had turned from cultural activity to an international organized crime.

The CS was addressing members of the Senate Committee on National Security and Defence in Sawela Lodge in Naivasha.

During the seating, he said that he had issued orders to the DCI to start fresh investigations into the death of Jeff Muthui who died in unclear circumstances.

The body of the 23-year-old designer was found in a basement in one of the estates in Nairobi hours after he was spotted with a top musician in the country.

"I have ordered the DCI to send homicide officers to the scene and open fresh investigations as the earlier ones were not conclusive," he said.

Kindiki further added the National Police Service had managed to change to contain the railway crime rate that had threatened to paralyse operations in the City.

"Nairobi is a critical hub of diplomatic missions and business and I am happy to report that the crime surge has now been contained," he said.

The CS plans were underway to modernise services at the immigration and national registration officers across the country.

"We have also heard about the drug and alcohol outcry in the country and we are working on laws and regulations to deal with this menace," he said.

The chair of the committee Senator William Cheptumo lauded the on-going operation in North Rift saying it would help bring sanity.

The Baringo senator decided the number of persons killed by the cattle rustlers adding that the theft of livestock was now a thriving trade

"This committee fully supports the ongoing crackdown in the troubled counties as many innocent lives have been lost and livestock stolen," he said.

He decried the rising cases of deaths among youths in the country due to the use of drugs and illicit brew

"The committee fully supports the ongoing security operations in the country and the fight against drug and alcohol abuse," he said.