Benson Onsongo at the Narok County Referral Hospital yesterday. [Robert Kiplagat, Standard]

A 35-year-old man is recuperating at the Narok County Hospital after his wife reportedly bit off his lower lip.

Benson Onsongo told journalists from his hospital bed that they had argued that morning after she accused him of refusing to give her fare to travel up-country.

It happened at their rental house in Talek trading centre in Narok West sub-county on Monday night.

Narrating the sequence of events on that day, Onsongo said he was at work when some neighbours informed him that his wife had attempted suicide.

She had jumped into a nearby river.

“I rushed to the place and found that she had been rescued. I asked her what the problem was... but instead of answering me she grabbed me as I got close to her and bit off my lower lip then spit it out, leaving me in excruciating pain,” said Onsongo.

He said the wife had earlier asked him for money to travel to their home for an event but he had none. This angered her.

Mr Onsongo claimed his wife of four years has been subjecting him and their four children to violence.

Neighbours took him to Talek dispensary but he was referred to Narok County Referral Hospital due to the seriousness of the injury.

“I picked up my lip from the ground and put it in a polythene bag, hoping that it would be reattached at the hospital but I have been told it is not possible. This is so inhumane... I cannot imagine that the woman I loved could do such a thing to me,” said Mr Onsongo.

Medics said he was in a stable condition, but it was unfortunate that the lip could not be reattached.

“It is not possible to reattach the lip since the cells have already died. Had he been brought immediately, it could have been fine but now it’s too late. We can only treat the wound,” said a surgeon who did not want to be named.

County Police Commander Adan Yunis said they are looking for the suspect, who fled after the incident.

“We are aware of the case and are looking for the woman to answer to assault charges,” said Mr Yunis.