A 40-year-old man was yesterday arraigned in a Narok court for defiling his two daughters.

The man, who appeared before Senior Principal Magistrate Titus Gesora, was alleged to have committed the offences between 2015 and 2016 at Eor-Ekule and Suswa areas in Narok East sub-county.

The accused, who has been on the run for nearly three years, was arrested on February 12.

One of the girls, who is blind and is said to have been 12-years-old at the time she was defiled, became pregnant and later gave birth.

The man, who is facing two charges of defilement, yesterday pleaded not guilty to the first. He is set to appear in court today to face the second charge and will then be remanded until March 6, when the case will be heard.

Prosecutor David Mwangi asked the court to issue orders for DNA tests to prove the man’s paternity to the two girls, as well as to the child born by the visually challenged girl.

Elsewhere in Kamwosor trading centre in Keiyo South, a 42-year-old man escaped death narrowly after he was found to have been defiling his two daughters.

The casual labourer had been living with his four daughters, all aged below 10, after falling out with his wife. He is accused of defiling the two older ones aged nine and six.

Suspicious neighbours

Neighbours got suspicious after they saw one of the minors having a difficult time walking and alerted the children’s aunt.

“We had also received complaints from school that one of the girls looked disturbed, withdrawn and fatigued. I took the initiative and informed the man’s sister-in-law,” said Priscah Rono.

Their worst fears were confirmed when the girls were examined at the Kamwosor sub-county hospital.

“Two of the girls were confirmed to have been repeatedly defiled for some time,” said Mrs Rono.

When the suspect heard that his sister-in-law had brought the children to the hospital, he followed her to the facility and warned her against interfering in his family matters.

By that time residents had gotten wind of the matter. They stormed the hospital, dragged the man outside and beat him senseless before police officers intervened and rescued him.

Keiyo South OCPD Moses Kanyi said the suspect was in police custody.

“The medical report (of the girls) will inform us of the charges to be preferred against the suspect,” he said.

Ledisha Kittony, an advocate dealing in women and children’s issues, said the erosion of societal values was to blame for the rising cases of sexual violence against children.