Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has been asked to investigate how a private developer was allocated a portion of land earmarked for a public market at Illoti trading centre in Soget/Tendeno ward.

Members of the local county assembly, led by area Ward Representative Majani Rono and his Londiani counterpart Jackson Kikwai, said they were shocked to learn that Kenya Forestry Service (KFS) officials in the county had allegedly allocated an acre of the land hived off Tindiret forest to a private developer.

"We are appealing to the Government through EACC to investigate how a private developer was allocated an acre from the portion which had been earmarked for the location of Illoti market," said Mr Rono.

In a document prepared and signed by Forest Conservation and Management Deputy Director Esau Omollo on May 8, 2012 and approved by Director, Kenya Forest Service D K Mbugua, four days later, KFS approved the then Kipsigis County Council request for 10 acres to be hived off Tinderet forest for the construction of the market.


Rono said the request for the market in Kipkelion East constituency located along Nakuru –Eldoret highway had been approved since the area lacked amenities such as public toilets, market stalls, market offices, water and sewage among others.

"The market development began in the 1970s mainly for sale of agricultural produce grown in the neighbouring forest during the establishment of plantations using the shamba system. Now, due to lack of space, traders sell their produce within the road reserve hence exposing themselves to danger from traffic," said Rono.


Londiani Sub-county Deputy Commissioner Wilson Kimaiyo said a task force had been formed to investigate the matter.

He said the private developer had been ordered to halt the construction of a petrol station on the controversial piece of land until the matter is cleared.