Turkana, Kenya: Turkana South MP James Lomenen has said the government should intensify the war against insecurity for implementation of any development plans.

Lomenen said operations of security bodies including Police Service Commission, Independent Police Oversight Authority (IPOA) and the Kenya Police Service should be harmonised to achieve results.

Speaking in Nakuru during the Nakuru Association of Turkana Students (NATS) fundraising, the MP said lapses in government security bodies hinder effective responses to terror attacks and banditry.

"The government should take charge of security. It does not matter if it is the Kenya Defense Force, regular police or administration police who are used to contain insecurity. All we require in our places of worship, market centers, hotel, transport and social places is security," said Lomenen.

The MP said it is sad despite many promises that come after incidences of attacks in various parts of the country nothing is done to handle root cause of such insecurity.

He gave an example of attacks in Lamu, Kapedo, Mandera and Samburu among other places that continue to claim lives of many innocent Kenyans.

"How many Kenyans will continue losing their lives due to insecurity before real order is restored? I am stating categorically, that time has come for less talk and more action," he added.

In efforts to fight bandits, Lomenen said the government should arrest political leaders linked to often raids including local administration and ensure illegal fire arms are surrendered.

According to him, leaders and local administrators are aware of all plans conducted by bandits and raids who should help the government in conducting investigations.

He said residents and leaders should fully support KDF operation even if it means applying excessive force.

"Guns must come out of houses and camps back to security personnel. Leaders in cattle rustling regions are aware of all operation of bandits," he observed.

He however defended inspector of police David Kimayo on accusation of many Kenyans saying police force machineries should be improved.

A policy should be established in improving welfare of police to ensure they are in a position to handle local security to avoid deploying KDF in internal issues, he said.

"Kimaiyo should not be blamed in matters of internal security but rather a policy should be established to handle local insecurity issues. Police officers should also be provided with best improved technology trainings in handling insecurity," he said.