NAKURU COUNTY: A Sunday school teacher has been sentenced to life imprisonment for defiling his pupil. A Nakuru court Monday found George Kariuki Muturi guilty of defiling the 10-year-old girl on July 10, last year at Maili Tatu village in Njoro, Nakuru County.

Resident Magistrate Rita Amwayi was told that Kariuki called the minor and took her to his house where he defiled her and warned her not to tell anyone. Ms Amwayi ruled that seven witnesses who testified in court proved the prosecution’s case beyond reasonable doubt.

“The accused took advantage of his position and committed the sexual act with the minor while he is supposed to take care of her,” she said.

The minor, who heeded Kariuki’s warning, never informed her mother of the act. She also narrated to the court that the teacher instructed her to take a shower at home.

However, in her testimony the minor stated that she told her friends at school about the act and they informed her mother. She was then taken to Njoro Health Centre where she was examined.