Plans are under  way for the establishment of Sh8 billion sugarcane project in Turkana and Pokot counties. This is expected to boost economic activities and curb conflicts.

Kerio Valley Development Authority (KVDA) announced it would support the project aimed at restoring stability in a region affected by insecurity.

David Kimosop, the KVDA managing director, said the 20-hectare project would start in six months.

“KVDA wants to play a leading role in building opportunities that would enable residents abandon activities that spark conflicts. Ten hectares will be planted on Turkana side and the remaining ten on Pokot,” said Kimosop. He added land has been identified at Loyapat and Katilu and the State corporation is seeking support from development partners to jumpstart the project.

Kimosop made the revelation yesterday during the launch of the first KVDA investment conference at the Sirikwa Hotel, Eldoret.

Regional Development Minister Fred Gumo will officially open the two-day conference today.

 “We want to engage communities in economic farming to avert conflicts in the region. We are also looking for support from international partners, government, grants and loans for the project,” he said.

He said the second phase would be the establishment of a sugar factory in the region.

Kimosop said the conference would bring together development stakeholders, investors and leaders from the region to address issues that can spur economic growth in the North Rift region.

“The Kerio Valley has high potential for tourism, agribusiness and mineral production, but have not been fully tapped. The conference will enable stakeholders address the issues,” said Kimosop. 70,000 hectares has been earmarked for irrigation to boost food production.