By Crystal okusa

When I first heard of the Temple House in Kibokoni, Malindi I wasn’t sure whether it was a house that doubled up as a place of worship or a place with just a fancy name. Yet I had heard that it was a place worth visiting.

An Arabic seat and chest box for valuables.

As we approach the seven bed-roomed mansion one can’t help but notice the neatly trimmed hedges, manicured lawns and coconut trees lined along both sides of the path. On the big blue gate is a huge and distinct letter D, the initial of the late Dadio Partesi, the owner of the place.

Right at the door is an ancient Indian table with a huge kettle with snake-like arms. The designs in the house are a mixture of cultures from Morocco, Lala Spagnol, Italy and the local Malindi.

Unique designs

In line with the coastal weather, the living area is in the open, right in the middle of the mansion with an expansive pool right ahead. The temptation to take a plunge is overwhelming. The seats are made out of huge driftwoods donned with big puffy coloured cushions, a welcoming sight to a weary soul.

Most of decorations used around the house are simple black and white pictures and paintings. Others are antique sculptures and furniture from the neighbouring Swahili community in Malindi while others are imported from different parts of the globe.

Dadio took time to design the seven bedrooms differently to fit his needs and those of his guests. His wife Agnesia Partesi who now takes care of the house has her own separate bedroom away from her husband’s.

In all the other shared bedrooms, the bathrooms are built with a clear window from where the

The open air sitting room at the centre of the house

husband can watch the wife shower from the comfort of his bed. Each bedroom has a completely different touch from the other. Dadio’s master bedroom is like a mini palace, with entertainment and study rooms. Its huge bathroom is covered with white shiny tiles.

For the fitness freaks, there is a gym upstairs complete with treadmills, speed bikes and a massage room. This is understandable being that it looks like a mini- hotel.