Tinseltown glitterati are obsessed with good looks and they will go at any length to maintain their beauty. The search for the beauty has led them under the scapel and sometimes the results are not desirable, writes DAVID ODONGO

From Jocelyn Wildenstein’s US$4 million (Sh320 million) monster to Michael Jackson, meet these plastic surgery addicts, whose experience under the scapel backfired. One of the most famous cases of awful plastic surgery gone wrong, Hang Mioku, a 48-year-old woman from South Korea, became so addicted to plastic surgery that she was left unrecognisable after her obsession led her to inject cooking oil into her face.

She had her first plastic surgery procedure when she was 28. Following operation after operation, her face was eventually left enlarged and disfigured, and the surgeons she visited refused to carry out any more work on her and one suggested that her obsession could be a sign of a psychological disorder.

So Hang resorted to injecting cooking oil into her face. It became so grotesquely large that she was called ‘standing fan’ by children in her neighbourhood — due to her large face and small body.

As Hang’s notoriety spread, she was featured on Korean TV, viewers seeing the report took mercy on her and sent in enough donations to enable her to have surgery to reduce the size of her face. During the first procedure, surgeons removed 60g of foreign substance from Hang’s face and 200g from her neck. After several other sessions, her face was left greatly reduced but still scarred and disfigured, a true challenge for Korean plastic surgery.

Jocelyn Wildenstein: Sh320million monster

Known to the press by the nickname of The Bride of Wildenstein — a reference to The Bride of Frankenstein—, Jocelyn Wildenstein has allegedly spent almost Sh320 million on cosmetic surgery over the years, ending up as one of the worst and most famous cases of plastic surgery addiction. But how did that happened?

In the late 1970s, there was a beautiful woman named Jocelyn Wildenstein. She was a fresh-faced mother of two and married to an extremely rich art dealer. That is until she caught her husband in bed with a 21-year-old Russian model. Now, any normal person would just leave her husband and take all of his money with her, right? Not Jocelyn Wildenstein! Instead, she decided to win back her husbands love and make herself more beautiful by going under the knife. Well, her husband left her anyway, but Jocelyn will always have her plastic surgery.

Michael Jackson: more than ten nose surgeries

It’s incredible to forget how absolutely normal Michael Jackson looked back in the 1970s and 1980s, attractive even, before turning into the sideshow freak. He is rumoured to have had more than ten nose surgery procedures on his life.

Pete Burns: famous singer, spent almost all of his life savings on reconstructive surgery

Pete Burns, former front man of the British band Dead or Alive — famous for their single, You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) — has had extensive polyacrylamide injections into his lips, along with cheek implants, several nose re-shapings and many tattoos. He revealed in early 2006 that he had spent almost all of his life savings on 18 months of reconstructive surgery after a procedure on his lips went horribly wrong.

Donatella Versace: a caricature of herself

Since taking over from her brother Gianni Versace, platinum blonde fashion designer Donatella Versace has gone through some drastic changes thanks to awful plastic surgery, turning herself into a caricature. Although nose jobs are usually done to make a nose smaller, Donatella’s has grown larger over the years. It is also wider and flatter and slightly crooked, indicating that at least one bad nose job took place.

 In addition to her big nose, Donatella also has large lips, like the trout pouts of the Hollywood divas the designer dresses. Although the fashion icon has always had big lips, the oversized upper lip indicates that fillers, like collagen, have been used liberally. For a 53-year-old, Donatella’s skin is very firm, indicating a possible face-lift.

She probably also uses dermal injectables like Botox to eliminate wrinkles, even when she smiles. Her tight face is a strong contrast to the loose skin on the rest of her body. And yes, Donatella’s weight loss also revealed her breast implants. Anything left?

Jackie Stallone: facelift, brow lift, cheek implants, nose job...

The mother of famous actor Sylvester Stallone, Jackie was also famous for claiming she can talks to dogs about the future. She also once set up a psychic hotline, which would charge callers for advice. Now she’s relatively famous for what looks like a little too much plastic surgery, as she has tried everything: face-lift, brow lift, cheek implants, nose job and, of course, lip jobs.

Michaela Romanini: Italian socialite, famous for her collagen abuse

Last but not least. Meet Italian socialite Michaela Romanini. Another plastic surgery gone wrong. This lip collagen abuser is only 40 years old and became famous after her many surgeries.

Additional information from internet sources.