Finance and Budget Senate standing committee Chairperson Mandera Senator Ali Roba. [Elvis Ogina, Standard]

Mandera Senator Ali ROBA has lashed out at the National Dialogue Committee accusing it of usurping roles it was not assigned.

"There seems to be total confusion as to the mandate of the National Dialogue Committee," said the Senator.

According to Roba what started as a Skeleton team to lay a clear framework for the reconciliation of President William Ruto and Azimo Leader Raila Odinga has inadvertently turned out to be a referendum preparation committee with only two stakeholders out of the many in the country represented.

He said that the committee is now collecting opinions from those who choose to present themselves before it for the same.

This the Senator says is in total disregard of the public participation requirements in a structured manner for any such events that may lead to a referendum.

"One wonders what the true mandate of the National Dialogue committee is. What are the boundaries of their Terms of Reference? Where is the inbuilt protection that guarantees they remain limited for purpose?" he posed.

He added: "How can they purport to receive views from people including asking for counties, changing term limits or asking for more constituencies."

He is of the view that the committee is overstepping its mandate of facilitating the reconciliation of President Ruto and Odinga.

"If the Mandate had changed into a proxy referendum preparation team, Kenyans should be made aware so that they participate accordingly within the law. Otherwise, they should deal with what they were formed to transact," said Roba.