Operation Linda Ugatuzi leader Dr Fred Ogola. [Wilberforce Okwiri,Standard]

A lobby group has proposed changes to the Constitution that, if adopted, would see the deputy president barred from running for presidency immediately after his or her term as the president's principal assistant ends.

Operation Linda Ugatuzi wants the DP be allowed to run for president after the expiry of at least five years.

The lobby group's leader Dr Fred Ogola says the move will allow the sitting deputy president to direct his energies on helping the government of the day deliver on its manifesto without distractions arising from the subsequent presidential campaigns.

"We all concur that our 2010 Constitution is very good. In fact, one of the best constitutions in the world. It encompasses our common aspirations and lays down a good legal framework towards the achievement of the same. However, it is not perfect, a fact that we have always known and accepted since its adoption," Ogola said on Tuesday, December 13 during a press conference in Nairobi.

"Remember, we adopted the Constitution, with the promise that we would later amend the 'oppressive' parts, which was put at 20 per cent. Twelve years down the line, we feel that it is time to amend these oppressive parts for the benefit of Kenyans who struggle day in, day out," he added.

The lobby group leader said the changes that Operation Linda Ugatuzi is proposing are contained in a proposed bill that will require Kenyans' signatures before it is passed on to MPs for debate.

The proposed law changes also seek to have governors barred from running for Senate immediately after their terms expire, suggesting that the earliest the county chiefs can seek the senatorial office is after five years of leaving the counties' top seat.

This, Ogola said, would enable sitting governors be committed to serving the electorate.

Operation Linda Ugatuzi further suggests that governors and senators should not be members of the same political party. This, he said, would allow senators to provide adequate oversight on governors.

The proposed changes also give the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) powers to prosecute suspects. Only the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) has those powers as per the current legal framework.

Other suggestions in the proposed bill are giving more money to political parties with highest representation of women, youth, the elderly and people living with disabilities; setting up the Health Service Commission to address the human resource needs for the healthcare sector and setting up a youth commission for an "impactful youth involvement in governance".

Ogola said the new suggestions also push for the setting up of CDF kitty, and entrenching it under the Public Finance Management Act.

Operation Linda Ugatuzi is also suggesting that the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Select Panel and board be set up to oversee the work of the Commission and Secretariat, and ensure that all the commissioners jointly tally, verify and declare the winner in a presidential election.