Nominated MCA Nereah Oketch (centre, seated) with other ODM officials in Homa Bay town on Monday. [James Omoro, Standard]

A nominated MCA whose nomination as the chairperson of the ODM Women League in Homa Bay County was nullified, says she is not quitting.

Nereah Oketch was nominated by a section of ODM chairpersons from various constituencies about a fortnight ago.

Last Sunday, her nomination was revoked by ODM county co-ordinating committee, led by chairperson Gladys Wanga.

The top ODM organ in the county said Oketch’s nomination was done irregularly.

From left, Kabondo Kasipul MP Eve Obara, Homa Bay Woman Rep Gladys Wanga and Kasipul MP Ong’ondo Were. [James Omoro, Standard]

Instead, the party nominated Peres Ogutu from Karachuonyo Constituency to act in the position. The post was left vacant by Ruth Ojuka, who died last month.

But Oketch has dismissed the nullification, urging Wanga and her team to embrace her so that they work together.

“Let her not fear anything because our sole objective is to build the party. I am the chairperson,” she said.

On Monday, Oketch and the ODM chairpersons of some constituencies held a meeting to criticise the changes made by Wanga and her committee.

Party chairman for Suba North Constituency Narkiso Tuko and his Karachuonyo counterpart George Maigo supported Oketch’s nomination.

Seated from left, Ruth Ojuka, Phoebe Asiyo, Nereah Oketch and Mary Ouma. [James Omoro, Standard]

Maigo said they have the right to nominate the chairperson of the women league chairperson.

“As constituency chairmen, we nominated Oketch because that is our role,” Maigo said.

Tuko dismissed Ogutu’s nomination. “Oketch was endorsed by ODM officials in Karachuonyo Constituency. Her nomination is clear,” Tuko said.

But during her meeting, Wanga warned officials of the party at all levels against discharging other people’s duties.